Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm SICK of Health Care!

So I'm reading the news today, because my social life is so full and rich, and I'll tell you, I'm about fed up with the Federal Government and their Quest for Holy Health Care! It's just like watching a Monty Python movie were the minions use coconut halves to make the galloping sounds of a horse and when they reach the first castle and are asked about the coconuts they can't give a straight answer!

Here's my problem with this whole thing. Congress currently has a roughly 20% approval rating. I'm sure the people that approve of Congress's performance don't get out much, have no Internet access and think Reagan is still in office but that's another issue entirely. My point is if you have a 20% approval rating, and you continue to push for something that it's quite obvious most of the country doesn't want then you are suffering from some deep seeded issues that NO Psychiatrist will ever be able to dig up! And people call ME crazy!

I can fix this (haven't we heard THAT before?!)! It's really very simple. If Congress can't write a bill for a proposed law that is smaller than our CONSTITUTION then the Federal Government doesn't need to stick their noses into it! It's really THAT SIMPLE! If regulating an industry requires more paperwork than the document our Founding Fathers created to run the country then the government has no business involving themselves in it!

If only they would remove their craniums from their rectums long enough to listen!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Random Stuff

Swimming with Whales

I have a question. How many people does a Killer Whale have to kill before people stop cuddling up to this beast? If this Whale was a Pit Bull he'd be barking at St. Peter right now! I can imagine swimming with this animal would be like partying with John Wayne Gacy. I'm sure it would start off all well and good but sooner or later someone is going to die! Please set this animal free!


Stupid Americans???

Apparently I watch too much news or, in the opinions of some people, not enough. While perusing the Internets vast array of video I ran across a video of Bill Maher on Larry King Live recently claiming that Americans are "too stupid to understand the issues of today". Really Bill? I mean, I'm not the smartest person in the world but I believe I know good and well what the issues of today are and, more importantly, how your beloved POTUS is going to ruin our country! Hey Bill, did you know that Obama doesn't even craft his own policies or agendas? That's all done by John Podesta and the Center for American Progress....oddly enough a George Soros funded "think tank" and special interest group. Did you know that Obama has never really accomplished anything in his life on his own? Did you know that most "Community Organizers" are really just lazy, attention starved, money hungry low lifes that get other people to do all of their work for them while taking all the credit? You wouldn't know that because you and all of your Obama worshipers like you have your noses shoved so far up Obama's rear end that if he turned suddenly your pencil neck would snap like a twig. But what do I know....I'm just a Stupid American!


And One More Thing

The next person that sends me a chain letter text message to my cell phone is going to get a visit from 73 blood thirsty Ninjas with Dull swords and bad attitudes! I could care less if you're lonely and depressed and need 15 people to respond back to your wretched little poem to prove that someone in this vast world loves you. Get a life, grow up, get off your ass and do something productive for the first time in your pathetic life! Spare me the drama and I'll spare you an ass kicking!

Oh, and Have a nice day! :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why Toyota?

I don't want to get off on a rant here but can someone tell me why Congress is attacking and reprimanding Toyota the way they are? I get it.....Toyota recalled a bunch of cars because of defects and they are doing what they can to fix them. But why does Congress have to get in on this? To make it appear that they are concerned about the safety of our citizens? Please! Don't make me vomit! The second MY safety is of any concern of Congress I can assure you the date is November 1st!

Why didn't Congress go after and demand testimony from those slave drivers in China? You know, the ones that were sending us toxic toys and poisoned dog food?! Why didn't Congress do anything when Obama sold Chevy and Chrysler to the UAW? Oh, wait a minute, they did do something. They rolled over like a bitch!

Hey Congress! Do us all a favor! Stop jumping up and down on Toyota's nuts and go back to what you're good at, you know, screwing up the nation! At least Toyota's TRYING to fix their problem!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I should be President!

Why do I think that? Well it's pretty obvious you don't need a whole lot of experience to get elected! All you need is a catchy slogan and deliver a good speech and you too can be President!

As for a slogan I'm not sure what would work. I know what I would LIKE to use, and it would be short and to the point! My slogan would be " I will GET SHIT DONE!!! "

What would I do though? Well, for starters I wouldn't need to create a bunch of new bureaucratic black holes, also known as Government Agencies, to "craft and agenda". I would do like I do in my professional career as an IT person and asses the problem, find a solution and then implement it.

For example, this mess in Iran with the bearded wacko in the Members Only jacket wanting to further enrich his stockpile of uranium. We all know, well except for the current POTUS, that he is developing nuclear weapons. Any person with a functioning cerebellum can figure this out. I say why not send him a functioning nuclear weapon, let him experience it first hand and then decide if he wants more! I guess the problem would be that he would probably not survive the initial delivery of said weapon and Tehran would end up looking like a tattered parking lot. Either way you look at it I'm sure it would deter their interests in nukes and we would have achieved our objective!

Moving right along to Al Qaeda. Screw Pakistan! I say If Pakistan won't root out these nut jobs then we are going in after them and to hell with any collateral damage! Al Qaeda doesn't seem to care if innocent civilians are killed and, in fact, use civilians as shields knowing the US forces will not attack for fear of hurting a civilian. Screw 'em! If you show the enemy that you have less remorse for civilians then the civilians will do more to combat the enemy thus helping OUR cause!

This is fun!

Next, Health care. I would leave Health Care alone with a few minor exceptions. I would enact Tort Reform basically because I hate lawyers! I would also make it possible for Insurance companies to sell across state lines. This could be done by not regulating Insurance companies at the individual state level. Instead I would impose a Federal Regulatory commission comprised of all the current state commissions and create a federal standard for Insurance regulation. This would greatly reduce the cost of both individual and group Health Insurance policies because now each company can sell to all 50 states using the same guidelines and regulations. That's how you create a level playing field!

Taxes? Lower! 'Nuff said!

Government waste? Let me just say this....there will be a mass exodus of former Federal Government workers moving to the private sector!

Till next time!