I have about had it with people! Not everybody, just most of them! You read the news about all the out of control spending the Government is doing and then hear them complain about the enormous debt left to them by the Bush administration. But they spend worse than he did, double the debt and then say that we need to spend our way out of debt. I know, ridiculous, but what do I know. Then I read some of these Liberal bloggers, who obviously have never had a pleasant thought in their entire lives, complain about Bush's out of control spending and in the next sentence Praise Obama for what he's doing to combat it! I know, I scratch my head in amazement too!
How about the Liberal Tree Huggers that will do anything for a smelt (thats a fish, and not a very tasty one either) even if it means depriving an entire farming community of water to grow food for us humans! Or what about that ignorrant and almost militant Republican Anit-Gay Senator from California that gets picked up for DUI after partying at a Gay Bar? Or the Democratic leader of the House Ways and Means committee, you know, the committee that writes our lovely Tax code, that just can't quite get his taxes right and forgets small things like $600,000 worth of property he has and other assorted minor oversights. Wheres that bucket? I can feel some gut rumblings coming on!
Ok, lets bring things to a local level. Today while backing out of a parking space, I'm 3/4 of the way out of the space when I have to slam on my brakes because some mental pygmy just HAS to fly through the parking lot like it's a Grand Prix course. Or how about the 300 year old lady riding the bicycle the wrong way down the street and when I patiently wait for her to go by before entering the Intersection she has the nerve to give me a look like I just kicked her dog. I should've hit the old goat!
Here's a favorite. I held the door open for someone at a convenience store today and they had the nerve to turn their nose in the air and ignore me. A simple Thank you would've been nice. Now as I'm leaving the person in front of me opens the door just enough so they can squeeze out and then PUSHES THE FRIGGIN DOOR CLOSED AS I'M TRYING TO OPEN IT!!!! What the hell is wrong with these idiotic zombies walking the streets these days? It's a good thing I'm not into guns or there would be a lot of lead flying around!
Has common courtesy been replaced by inbred rudeness? There is no wonder this country is in the shape it's in today because almost no one out there could give a tinkers damn about anyone else but themselves! It's that whole Baby-Boomer "GIMME IT IT'S MINE" mentality gone amuck! No one respects anyone but are quick to call you out for "disrespecting" them.
All I have to say is:

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