So I'm reading the news today, because my social life is so full and rich, and I'll tell you, I'm about fed up with the Federal Government and their Quest for Holy Health Care! It's just like watching a Monty Python movie were the minions use coconut halves to make the galloping sounds of a horse and when they reach the first castle and are asked about the coconuts they can't give a straight answer!
Here's my problem with this whole thing. Congress currently has a roughly 20% approval rating. I'm sure the people that approve of Congress's performance don't get out much, have no Internet access and think Reagan is still in office but that's another issue entirely. My point is if you have a 20% approval rating, and you continue to push for something that it's quite obvious most of the country doesn't want then you are suffering from some deep seeded issues that NO Psychiatrist will ever be able to dig up! And people call ME crazy!
I can fix this (haven't we heard THAT before?!)! It's really very simple. If Congress can't write a bill for a proposed law that is smaller than our CONSTITUTION then the Federal Government doesn't need to stick their noses into it! It's really THAT SIMPLE! If regulating an industry requires more paperwork than the document our Founding Fathers created to run the country then the government has no business involving themselves in it!
If only they would remove their craniums from their rectums long enough to listen!
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