I'd like to talk about Al Gore if I may.
First off I don't hate anyone. Theres quite a few people I dislike but I don't hate anyone. However, if I was going to hate someone ol' Al would be at the top of my list (his wife would be next in line!)! Well why is that you ask?
I used to think Al Gore was an idiot. Nothing more than the Democrat version of Dan Quayle. Boy was I wrong. Al Gore is actually one of the smartest people around. He has almost single handedly convinced an entire population of people that Carbon Dioxide, something that appears naturally all over this beautiful planet and something that we EXHALE with every breath, is killing the planet by collecting in the atmosphere and trapping the suns heat and therefore raising the Earths temperature causing "Global Warming". He's had a lot of backing in this crusade as numerous scientists have produced data confirming his theories. By convincing these people of this he has earned numerous awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, and speaks regularly on the evils of Industry, fossil fuels, farming and anything else that's not "Green". He has been pushing the use of "Carbon Credits" or "Carbon Offsets" for industries and companies that release over a certain amount of CO2 into the atmosphere as a penalty for doing so. He has even convinced people that he himself purchases these credits for his personal home thereby proving that he is doing all he can to reduce his "Carbon Footprint". But here is where his genius ends!
Recently we have all seen the stories about the hacked email server and seen the emails that revealed data has been manipulated or just plain left out in order to show that there the planet is warming even though we are seeing trends of it actually starting to cool. Before that though there were plenty of stories that people just ignored about our good friend Al in reference to his crusade and when you brought them up, you were just "in denial of the facts" (I was told this a lot). First off Al Gore's investment company, Generation Investment Management, owns almost 10% of a carbon asset developer named Camco International, Ltd. This is a company that a business would have to purchase Carbon Offset Credits from in the event their production of CO2 went over their allotted amount.
That's not all, lets take a look at Mr. Gore's carbon foot print shall we! In 2006, which is the year his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth was released, Al's average electric usage was 18,400kWh per month, almost 20 times the average home! His average electric bill was $1400 per month. That's $16,800 per year, just for electric! His natural gas usage is equally ridiculous. His natural gas bill averages $1080 per month! Does this resemble anything close to the conservation and Green initiatives that he preaches? Hardly. This doesn't even take into consideration his constant use of a private jet that consumes more fuel per passenger than a commercial airline or his motorcade that takes him to and from his engagements.
And what about the "Green" movement anyway. Liberals and Progressives like Al not only don't care about the environment but they don't care much about you either. They just use the environment as a sort of Trojan Horse of Troy to make you think that they are concerned about something when in reality theres a whole lot of deviousness going on behind the scenes. Example? There was a concerted effort to build a Solar Farm in the Mojave desert not long ago and a group of LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE activists shot it down because they were concerned that the Solar Farm would disturb the desert tortoise, a lizard and the Nelson's Bighorn Sheep. Have you ever been to the Mojave desert? I have. I was there for an entire day once (damn radiator). Never saw a tortoise, a lizard or a sheep. How disturbing can a bunch of solar panels be?
What this all comes down to is motive. What is Al Gore's motive for pushing this green initiative? Simple. It's Money and Power! Got nothing to do with the well being of anything or anyone except his wallet! And he's not alone. George Soros wants to nationalize the countries banking system. Where does he keep all of his money? Not in any banks in the US!
Wise up America! The same people that tell you to never believe everything you hear or read for some reason will believe anything and everything someone says as long as they are masking their initiatives with the Environment. Don't get caught up in the BS!