Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's no wonder!

Each and every morning I go through basically the same routine. Get out of bed, have something to eat, take a shower, get dressed and go to work day in and day out. Lately though I've been trying to "expand my horizons" as it were and get out a little earlier each day and take the time to see this great country in which we live just as its waking up. Unfortunately the more I do that the more I want to go back to bed and cover my head in absolute shame!

It's no wonder the rest of the world looks at us like we are the biggest weeds growing out of the great compost heap of life! The next time you are at the corner quick mart putting gas in your car take a moment and watch just what goes in and out of the store and you will see what I mean. Eight out of ten men apparently don't know how to properly pull up their pants. People wander aimlessly in the drive lane of the parking lot and have the audacity to look surprised when they are almost hit by a car. Heck, some of them will even give you some sort of bad look and continue on aimlessly meandering with not a care in the world. Not to mention the ones that find it necessary to walk behind a car that is trying to back out of a parking spot. Or how about the Parent of six unruly kids who turns them loose in the store so everyone can be annoyed not only by their failure to be taught proper manners but by the incessant yelling from the guilty Parent that these apparently deaf little hellions have conditioned themselves to tune out!

Americans have really gone down the toilet. Not all of them mind you but just the ones that we notice throughout our busy days. I single them out because the people we don't notice, the ones that go about their business not bothering anyone, not wandering in the middle of the street, yielding the right of way and being respectful to others they meet tend not to draw a whole lot of attention to themselves. It's the moronic masses that just can't seem to understand that the bumper of a moving car might do some pretty drastic damage to your backside if you would happen to have the misfortune of being hit by it. These same people seem to have the mindset that it's the rest of us that should watch out for them and therefore relieving them of any personal responsibility for themselves. I mean how dare us to want to drive down a busy street without having to dodge a moving chicane on a cell phone. And how dare us have the gall to want to have dinner in a nice restaurant without some 3 foot tall booger factory sneezing on our plate while it's parents perform every maneuver possible to avoid making eye contact with you.

We've become a country of self obsessed drones that feel the world revolves around them and that everyone else is just here to cater to their every want and whim. These people feel they are owed everything, shouldn't have to work for anything and that whatever they do to you is OK, but if you somehow glance in their direction you are "disrespecting"!

Now, imagine if these people voted!

1 comment:

  1. They did vote and look at what we got in return
