Thursday, March 3, 2011

An Open letter to our President!

Dear Mr. President,

I had seriously thought about writing you and complaining about the way you have been handling the issues of today but then I realized that you haven't actually done anything in regards to today's problems! Forgive me if I'm out of line, wrong or just un-informed but I thought that when you were elected President of the once most Powerful Country in the world that came with a few, albeit minor, responsibilities! I mean I realize that you promised to fundamentally change the United States of America but I never realized you were going to turn this country into a cowering and quivering mass of liberal stupidity that you have so managed to do. And in such a short time at that! Bravo!

During your campaign it was me, little ole' me, that made the statement that you would be elected as President, not based on the issues, but based on popularity alone. You could do or say no wrong and anyone who was against you was against the moral fabric of our great nation, and a racist to boot. I, for one, was not impressed! I knew that you had all the charm of a used snake oil salesman and the dignity and corrupt nature to match! I mean come on, you are from the South Side of Chicago for crying out loud! They practically invented corruption there! I'm surprised you didn't invite McCain and Palin to meet you in a garage on Valentines day during the campaign!

It was also me that made the statement that the country would've MADE money during the election by simply having it on American Idol, again, because the election was definitely NOT about the issues at hand, at least for you it wasn't. I mean you never answered a tough question, or any questions related to anything important. In fact, the only thing I knew about you was that you were a lousy dancer and listened to crappy music on your iPod and I learned all of that on the Ellen show! I would love the opportunity to debate you in public with randomly chosen moderators and random questions (not none of this pre-screened crap that you and your Progressive ilk seem to employ so well) that pertain to the current issues of the day and asked by average everyday people. I am by no means the most eloquent of speakers but I truly believe, even with my measly High School Education, I could make you look quite silly!

So now we find ourselves in a little bit of an economic meltdown, gas prices are climbing by the minute, strangely there is turmoil in the Middle East, most of our Allies are pissed at us, immigration is a joke and the southern border is so porous the Mexican Army could drive a tank through it and no one would notice. And what do you do? Monitor the situation! Then you send that new Press Secretary of yours out to talk to the press and he can't even construct a coherent sentence. Why won't YOU talk to the press? Afraid to answer some simple questions like "what are you going to do?"? I'm sorry but another round of golf or date night with the misses is not the preferred plan of action here!

It has become increasingly evident that you don't care about this country or what happens to it. It's clear you want to push this country to it's absolute breaking point, lose the next election (if you so graciously allow us to have one) and get your Taxpayer Funded Government Paid FREE RIDE for the rest of your life! If that's the case then just say so, leave the White House and let someone who actually gives a damn get in there and DO SOMETHING! If that is not your intention then listen to the American People, not just the mindless idiots in NYC, DC and LA! Believe it or not there are quite a few very intelligent and thoughtful people in what you Elitists call "Fly-over country"! Some of them might surprise you with their insight and intellect! Or is that something that frightens you?

In closing I'd just like to say, DO YOUR JOB! I know you are a Government worker and as a Government worker you can't get fired no matter how lousy a job you do or even if you don't do your job at all but you must understand something. By you NOT doing your job it has this rather nasty trickle down effect on the rest of us in this once great nation! I for one am not amused at your inability to seemingly accomplish even the slightest of tasks! And don't get me started on that disaster you created called Health Care reform. Debate me in a public forum, please! I promise, I'll be gentle!

Chris Abbott