Globull Warming
Thats Right, I spelled it "Globull" because thats what it is. I don't care how many ridiculously THC saturated "scientists" you can quote per minute you will never convince me that something that ALL LIVING CREATURES EXHALE is somehow Dangerous when, if you want to combat the highly dangerous gas known as Carbon Dioxide all you need to do is plant a tree or a bush or a friggin garden of flowers! Hell, let the weeds grow in your yard! They'll get rid of it also!
The Oil Spill
Obama is an idiot elected by a nation of idiots who are so convinced that they know whats best for the country if left to their own devices couldn't manage to figure out how to sit on a toilet properly! Thats why the hole still isn't plugged! Oh, by the way, Eric Holder can kiss my ass!
Our Attorney General
Is a schmuck of the lowest order! He couldn't successfully prosecute a cheese sandwich without Obama pulling his strings. And we have all seen just how well he does that.
Our Vice President

Enough Said!